Secured GNSS solutions
Galileo FOC TUR-P receivers
Receiving accurate positioning information and ensuring that this information is both secure and reliable is of paramount importance for public safety and security services, critical infrastructure operators, and defense departments. To this end Galileo, Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), offers the “Public Regulated Service (PRS)”.
PRS is a unique encrypted navigation service. It’s a robust and secure signal that will be made available to authorized users, such as emergency services, via authorized national authorities. The PRS service provides resilience to signal attacks such as spoofing and jamming.

A major milestone in the Galileo European Navigation Satellite System’s development and deployment programmes has been achieved. Antwerp Space has been selected by ESA to design, develop and deliver the Galileo FOC TUR-P receivers (Full Operational Capability Test User Receivers for PRS) under EU/ESA contract. The FOC TUR-P receivers support future PRS evolutions and allow deep analysis of the PRS signals, including the processing of the PRS security messages (both in real time and offline). These state-of-the-art instrumentation receivers address the needs of ESA, EU Agencies and the Competent PRS Authorities (CPAs) of the EU Member States.
PRS end-user receiver and Security Module
Antwerp Space is progressing with the development of field PRS receivers for use by authorized users. These future Secure GNSS receivers will provide robust and secure positioning, navigation and timing to a range of European governmental applications and will provide support to a large number of European public safety and emergency services, including: fire brigades, health services (ambulances), humanitarian aids, search and rescue, police, coastguards, border control, customs, civil protection units.
The new family of products is being developed by a team of experts in navigation and cryptography.